Chastity, authentic Christian view.
Chastity / Sexual Purity
Answered first on Quora, Angelika Selfridge, Is masturbation a sin?, duplicated here.
Chastity is a difficult topic as most places I have gone to research I find are incomplete. I pray you find my answer here authentic. As a woman, I have addressed this to woman and girls. I am coming from a Christian perspective, but anyone, anywhere will benefit from being chaste.
Benefits of chastity
Chastity in Bible
Being Chaste
Sexual self pleasure / Masturbation
Practical Chastity
Benefits of chastity
None of the negative Effects of Premarital Sex and Cohabitation,
Improved Psychological well being,
Zero risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs),
Zero Unwanted Pregnancies and Abortion,
Increased Marital Stability and Satisfaction,
The above came from: The Benefits of Chastity Before Marriage
I am adding:
Increased self confidence,
Increased knowledge of yourself and your body,
Improved body image.
Chastity in Bible
First an answer I lifted off this website What does the Bible say about chastity?, then I will add my own words to make it practical.
Question: "What does the Bible say about chastity?"
Answer: The word chastity means “the quality of being morally pure.” Usually, we think of chastity as abstention from illicit sexual activities. Priests and nuns in the Roman Catholic Church take a vow of chastity, promising to abstain from all forms of sexual activity. Chastity also has a lesser-known meaning related to personal integrity. For example, one might say, “The pastor was a shining example of chastity in every area of his life.” Although today we are more familiar with synonyms such as morality, purity, and modesty, the Bible has much to say about chastity, both sexual and otherwise.
Scripture exhorts young men to treat older women as mothers and younger women as sisters “with all chastity” or “purity” (1 Timothy 5:2). When Paul used familial terms to describe women in the church, he set the boundaries for chaste behavior between the sexes. The meaning was clear: “Treat every woman the way you want someone to treat your mother or your sister.” Paul also instructed his young protégé, Timothy, to take care that his own life was a model of chastity so that he would “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). Deacons and elders must be models of chastity in every area of life (1 Timothy 3:1–13). This includes not being addicted to alcohol, remaining faithful to one wife, staying free from the love of money, and maintaining an honorable reputation in all ways.
The Bible’s teaching on sexual chastity is clear. Any sexual activity outside a one-man-one-woman covenant marriage is sin (Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 2 Corinthians 12:21). But chastity is more than white-knuckled abstention from sex; chastity begins in the heart. It is from the heart that all evil comes (Matthew 15:18–19). Jesus taught that even private sexual lust is unchaste and sinful (Matthew 5:28). Pornography, immodest clothing, and heavy make-out sessions between dating couples all violate the Bible’s principle of chastity. Chaste people must set personal boundaries so that their hearts are not led into temptation (Romans 13:14).
Living lives of chastity can be difficult for everyone, but single men and women struggle with it most. However, they may find chastity easier when they limit their exposure to sexually exploitive images and situations. Married people practice chastity by remaining faithful to their spouses and honoring the Lord with their bodies and minds (1 Corinthians 7:2–5). Christians who battle same-sex attraction remain celibate, trusting that the Lover of their souls will satisfy even their deepest longings. Personal times of worship, prayer, and meditation on Scripture help keep our minds chaste as we work to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Even though the concept of chastity is quickly vanishing from our world’s value system, it remains part of God’s. He searches the hearts and minds of every person, seeking those whose hearts are wholly His that He might show Himself strong on their behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9; Jeremiah 17:10). The Creator of our bodies and our souls is not fooled by our outward displays of chastity designed to impress onlookers. He seeks those who long to be “pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). When chastity is our goal in every area of life, the Lord strengthens and rewards us with power to overcome sin and enjoy more of His presence (James 4:8; Psalm 34:17–18).
Being Chaste
Now my words, as I believe the above is not complete. And want to be complete as the Shulammite woman from the Song of Solomon. Get your bible out see my answer here: Angelika Selfridge's answer to Is masturbation a sin? And look at the links.
Being Chaste does not mean, not thinking about sex. We are human beings, sexuality is part of the nature God gave us. It is wrong to equate thinking about sex with Jesus’ condemnation of lust. Having in your head, an erotic scenario or fantasy is not lust that is condemned. Lust is the desire to act out the sexual thoughts you are having.
Reminder, above it said: ‘Any sexual activity outside a one-man-one-woman covenant marriage is sin”. I want to clarify that the sin is sexual activity with another person who is not your spouse. The other things
Pornography, immodest clothing, and heavy make-out sessions
These three also need clarification.
Pornography, technically is a media designed to sexually arouse and encourage sexual immoral behaviour. A lot of it is rubbish, it does not portray what is essential relationship, some tell a story but is often just sex. In reality there is no thing as ‘just sex’, people make emotional connections. The porn industry is notorious for high rates of abuse, it can be dangerous. Watch this from: HelloMyNameIsDragonRider: Is Masturbation a Sin?
That is not to say there should be a blanket ban on all ‘porn’, I think there is room to argue that media of someone doing what you are allowed to do, could be excluded from this prohibition, but like HelloMyNameIsDragonRider, if you become dependent on it, it becomes bad.
Immodest clothing, is difficult to define as it depends on circumstance, bikini maybe okay in some situations, when in doubt, cover-up. Don’t dress to stand out in sexually provocative clothing in public, Having said that, in private, at home, or with your husband, sexual provocative clothing may be appropriate.
Because it is difficult to define, I won’t add to this section except to insert this video from Tiffany Dawn, I don't agree with everything, but is good enough for inclusion here.
Heavy make-out sessions, it will get you in state of high sexual arousal such that you will strongly desiring sex, right now. Then it will be very difficult to resist the temptation to have sex. If the other person is your husband, go for it, the hornier you are the better. When making out with your spouse and getting horny such that you are strongly desiring sex, because the person is your husband, you are being chaste. Because you can and should here think about sex, the so called ‘purity culture’ teaching that you are sinning just thinking about sex is wrong, not only wrong, it is unhealthy and potentially dangerous.
Sexual self pleasure / Masturbation
You will notice above there was no mention of masturbation, that is intentional.
(The links do mention it) Masturbation’s place in chastity needs to be talked about.
Note above that sexual sin is ‘is sexual activity with another person who is not your spouse’. Masturbation being sexual activity with yourself is not included in sexual sin. For emphasis I repeat, self masturbation is not sinful. Not only is it not a sin, it has a place in maintaining chastity. See: Angelika Selfridge's answer to I'm a 19-year-old girl who constantly thinks about masturbation, sexual intercourse, etc. Due to this, I feel regret and get distracted towards my studies. How can I get rid of this? Masturbation is an activity between you and God, just like married sex is between you, your husband and God, offer it to him.
Did Jesus have sexual thoughts? To be fully human, he must have. Did Jesus masturbate? There is no way to know, can only argue as to whether he would have or not, see: Angelika Selfridge's answer to Did Jesus Christ ever masturbate?
Masturbation has the effect of lowering the libido for a period, from hours to days. Also frequency of masturbation can be a barometer of health. A lot more or less than normal can be an indicator that something is wrong.
In a previous answer I offered 3 steps for being chaste and being pure. Whether married or single these three will help you be chaste.
These thing are 1, Lust, 2, abstaining from sexual sin, 3, chaste action.
Practical Chastity.
1. Do not seek or think about putting yourself in a position to have sex with someone.
2. Abstain from sexual activity with others except your husband.
3. Masturbate yourself regularly.
There is a video on my answer here you will find helpful:
Angelika Selfridge's answer to What do you personally recommend for birth control to a 16 year old?
PS. Even for a married woman with regular sex, I still recommend you regularly take some time out to masturbate yourself.
Read here to learn more about the Shulammite: Angelika Selfridge's answer to Is masturbation a sin?
Dr. Juli Slattery agrees that masturbation is a way to remain pure.
ReplyDeleteThere are Christian leaders working with singles who believe that masturbation may be a way to stay sexually pure until marriage. While I would be very cautious to give that advice, I recognize that for some, masturbation is a way of channeling sexual urges away from the temptations to have sex. It's possible for the motive of masturbation to be for purity and a form of exercising self-control.
Hi. I saw your article and while I can tell you mean well, I do see the need to correct you. Masturbation is indeed a sin. Like you I reviewed the biblical references and ended up convinced God doesn't have an issue with it. However, I stumbled upon many testimonies of ex-satanists and brothers and sisters from all over the world that have had experiences in Hell and they are very consistent in stating, masturbation does land you in Hell. If you'd like to review the testimonies yourself just let me know.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Unknown,
DeleteI'd like to know more of these testimonies.
I have seen a video of a woman talking about how masturbation took her to hell, it was so inconsistent with the stories of visions of hell of people declared as saints, it was more the ravings of a lunatic. So I am interested in seeing the testimonies you have seen.
I have heard that people go to hell for the sins of the flesh more than for other sins.
Satan is able to take anything good and use it as a pathway to hell. He does it by putting a lesser good ahead of a greater good. I have heard of talk of 'sex magic', 'tantric', of which masturbation was an important part. They were putting the importance of pleasure first, including in marriage. When pleasure comes first, all sorts of perversions follow, including abortion, because the procreative aspect is downgraded.
One woman who's story I know included an addiction to masturbation, but that was just part of broader issues. She cut all of it out of her life, it gave her time to heal. After a year or so, now knowing that her sexuality is part of her being as human and having a boyfriend she knew she had to make changes. carefully she reintroduced self masturbation back into her life, but without the other baggage she had previously. Being aware of the problems she had had previously. This time, with the grace of God, she would be in control, with the support of her now husband. She now feels more balanced in her sexuality, her relationships, first with God, then her husband, the pleasure of sex with him and with herself (self masturbation') she sees is part of that.
God Bless
I missed a line. She introduced self masturbation back into her life in part to get to know herself, not is a pleasure first way that been a problem, but to learn of her body that God have given her and that she was intending to give to her husband.
DeleteCertainly sister. Just to tell you a little bit, I've been a christian for more than two decades but only learned about these testimonies last year. They were so significant I spent several months watching/reading hundreds of them because it's not information I don't think anyone is speaking in the mainstream christian community. They are testimonies of Heaven, Hell and spiritual revelations many have received and shared. Some are from christians, some are from high ranking ex-satanists, and others are from people that abandoned their religions once Christ revealed Himself to them. I personally am a fervent believer in the divine authority and trustworthiness of the Bible, but the amount, quality, and consistency of the testimonies (particularly the ones from Hell) really convinced me ending there over the prospect that something like masturbation is a sin, is not a risk I'm willing to take. So that's why I repented and forsook the practice for good (among many other things I uncovered through the testimonies).
DeleteThere are 3 primary sources from where I find the testimonies. The first one is a youtube channel called Peniel Ngonde ( He is man who has been compiling this type of testimonies for years and currently has a library of close to 1000 of them from all over the world . He also has a second channel called Watchman-Vision ( The only downside of Peniel's channels is that you don't really have that much of an option to search for something specific but the things you'll learn from random watching will blow your mind.
The second source is a blog called Spirit Reports ( There is some overlap of testimonies between the channels and the blog but there are enough "original" ones that only appear in one source or the other. The upside of the blog is that you can in fact use the search bar to get some results. So this is the link for some of the testimonies that mention masturbation
Chances are you will be as "green" and baffled as I was last year after reading many of the testimonies, and there is much that is hard to piece together unless you read/watch enough of them to understand the context better, so feel free to reach out if you end up having any questions or give me some form of contact so you can ask me whatever doesn't compute. I wish you the best on this process of finding out the narrow is in fact... much narrower than you were told. Have a great weekend and may the Holy Spirit enlighten your way!
I have saved the email that notified me.
DeleteIt will take some time to go through the links you sent.
In the meantime, I did hear a quote that the early church promoted masturbation as a remedy for fornication and adultery, I have not been able to origin of the quote. I know from the many people I have worked with that masturbation helps release the sexual energy making temptation to sexually sin easier to fight against.
I'll finish on this:
Pray for me as I go through your links, God along knows how long it will take me.
First one done
Deletepeniel ngonde is not worth watching his videos.
"French persons hair different for an American's", including all those American's of French decent?
"No hair extensions, eye lashes, nail polish, lipstick, anyone who uses them will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
He has a video supposedly of women in hell for perming her hair!
Song of Solomon 1:10-11 ESV
Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels. We will make for you ornaments of gold, studded with silver.
Exodus 3:22 ESV
But each woman shall ask of her neighbor, and any woman who lives in her house, for silver and gold jewelry, and for clothing. You shall put them on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder the Egyptians.”
They were told to take jewelry, so nothing wrong prettying oneself
Lot of supposed visions of hell. Nothing verifiable.
peniel ngond will not help you in your spiritual journey - ignore it.
Hi Lika!
ReplyDeleteI've just stumbled across your blog while searching for interpretations of Song of Solomon. I'm impressed and amazed by your commentary. Is this still a live blog? That is, will you see this comment? Thanks!