Chastity, authentic Christian view.
Chastity / Sexual Purity Answered first on Quora, Angelika Selfridge, Is masturbation a sin? , duplicated here. Chastity is a difficult topic as most places I have gone to research I find are incomplete. I pray you find my answer here authentic. As a woman, I have addressed this to woman and girls. I am coming from a Christian perspective, but anyone, anywhere will benefit from being chaste. Contents : Benefits of chastity Chastity in Bible Being Chaste Sexual self pleasure / Masturbation Practical Chastity Shulammite Benefits of chastity None of the negative Effects of Premarital Sex and Cohabitation, Improved Psychological well being, Zero risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Zero Unwanted Pregnancies and Abortion, Increased Marital Stability and Satisfaction, The above came from: The Benefits of Chastity Before Marriage I am adding: Increased self confidence, Increased knowledge of yourself and your body, Improved body image. Chastity in Bible First an answer I lifted off t...